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The Colostrometer is a practical field method for quick and easy determination of colostrum quality prior to feeding the newborn calf. This simple method helps insure the successful transfer of immunity from cow to calf.  Use of the Colostrometer helps ensure that your calves are getting the adequate amount of antibodies through their colostrum. It also offers a chance to see how effective your vaccination programme is working and offer a chance at changing any shortfalls. It will allow for any colostrum that isn't up to standard to be separated and fed to older calves that have already been given quality colostrum. One of the primary reasons the Colostrometer has become such a valuable tool to calf rearers, is that it allows the timely feeding of only high quality colostrum to calves during their optimal absorption time frame of not more than 24 hours after birth.

How the Colostrometer works

Two factors are responsible for determining the quantity of Ig available to the calf: 1. Concentration of Ig in the colostrum 2. Volume of colostrum available. The newborn calf should be fed between 150 to 200 grams of Ig within the first 24 hours. The Colostrometer provides the user with the ability to see the quality of the colostrum by measuring the antibodies present. A simple green and red colour code makes the Colostrometer simple to use , even for a noviceIf the colostrum destock-mark registers in the green zone, or between 140 to 50 mg/ml, then a total volume between about 1.5 liters (1.5 quarts) to 3 liters (3 quarts) should be fed to the new born calf, respectively, to achieve a total of at least 150 grams of Ig. If the destock-mark registers in the red then this colostrum should not be given to the newborn calf at all.

Features of the Colostrometer

  • Easy to use
  • No guess work
  • Shows a minimum volume necessary 
  • Identifies poor quality colostrum
  • A color coded scale
  • Help improve calf rearing system

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